SRC Executive Committee
The Student Representative Council Executive Committee (aka the SRC Exec) are a group of elected students who represent you, the SRC, in matters across college life.
Running the exec is a Hild Bede Graduate who is elected to work for the SRC on behalf of the student body as the Sabbatical President. The other members of the executive committee are current students who work in different capacities alongside the President. The roles of the SRC executive committee are a lot of fun and a great chance to try your hand at organising and managing events and people. If you wish to find out more about any of the positions feel free to reach out to those who are currently in them!

SRC President
Sam Cooper
​Hi there, I'm Sam and I'm your elected President next year, overseeing the vast colourful array of activities and opportunities available to SRC members. I try in helping our brilliant Executive Committee do their amazing work in running events and activities as well as representing your voice to College Staff and University Management. I spent three glorious years not studying Theology and instead wasting all my money at the college bar and can only hope that you'll feel as at home and as proud of our Community as I do. If you ever fancy a chat about Jazz, Architectural History, the superlative brilliance of the sport that is Snooker or anything to do with college life, please do not hesitate to have a chat with me or drop me an email.

Vice President
Jack Dougill
As your Vice-President for the next year I will be the voice for all students currently studying at the college and will also be in charge of organising formals which occur once every 3 weeks or so and the world famous College Day in late April. I have had the privilege of being involved in college through the SRC for the past 3 years now and can't wait to serve for another year. When I'm not busy around college or studying for a masters in Maths you can find me most likely at Ye Old Elm Tree (the best quiz in Durham!) or at the Three Bridges watching Leeds United disappoint me once again. Feel free to contact me at anytime!

International Officer
Divya Girdhar
Hi, I'm Divya, a 2nd year Law student. I was born in India and brought up in Zambia, so believe me when I say I have experienced my fair share of cross-cultural chaos. Think of me as your guide, with experience of navigating being an international student, and relying on caffeine instead of a compass. When I'm not buried under case law, you can find me as I try to make your confusing change to a new world a little easier. I'm the person who organizes cultural events or simply advises on the best Bollywood movies, the best Taylor Swift music, and shows you pictures of Zebras outside my house. Join me in complaining about homesickness and culture shocks. But get through it with me, and together, that feeling will truly get much better. Wait till you start calling Hild Bede your home and the strangers become family.

Eve Hamilton
Hi I'm Eve! I'm a second year philosophy student and I have the fun role of running termly SRC meetings, chairing governance committee, and most importantly upholding the college constitution. Feel free to talk to me about any constitutional questions, my degree, or the best pubs in Durham for cheap pints and enduring the pain of watching Manchester United every week.

Andrew Pye
Hi, I’m a fourth year Maths student and I’ll be your treasurer for the next year. This means I’ll be managing the budget for college events as well as handling the payments you make to sports and societies. If you have any questions about grants or funding, feel free to ask and I’ll try my best to help.

Social Secretary
Emily Dyer
Hi, I’m Emily! I’m an Economics undergraduate and I’ll be your Social Secretary this year. My role includes the organisation of Beerfest and Bar events such as the Vern Quiz, a cornerstone of the college calendar. I will also be running the Ents Committee - so if you’re interested in being involved in the planning of entertainment for college formals, balls, bar events, and college day - don’t be shy to apply!

Sports and Societies Officer
Luke Nash
As your Sports & Societies Officer, I do everything related to... well, Sports & Societies! I'm also the squash club president and moonlight frequently for dodgeball, mixed netball and cricket. Any questions about any of these, my degree, or the murky world of competitive birdwatching, I'm your man!

Publicity Officer
Alice Lim
Hi! I'm Alice, and I’m a 3rd year international Liberal Arts student and Hild Bede's 2024/25 publicity officer! My duties involve managing the Hild Bede SRC and Hild Bede Freshers’ social media in order to publicize events, creating graphics for said events, and updating the SRC website (I'm writing this right now!). Outside of my degree and role I'm super passionate about music, theater, and art, and I’m involved in a lot of societies, some of which include the HB Ball Committee, HB Music Society, and being this year’s president of Hild Bede Voices! If you see me around, feel free to say hi :))

Technical Officer
Adams Yeung
I'm a 2nd year Natural Science student involved in Hild Bede Theatre, and the SRC. As Tech Officer on the SRC exec, I organise, setup and operate all of the college's tech for events ranging from weekly pub quizzes to College Day. I also oversee college tech hires, hiring out equipment to other colleges or societies. When I am not occupied with my degree and college stuff, you will find me either tech-ing shows or first aid volunteering.

Environment Officer
Henry Teall
Hi, I’m Henry! I’m an Engineering undergraduate and I’ll be your Environment Officer this year. My role includes helping other officers to organise events as environmentally friendly as possible. I will also be running the Environment Committee - so if you’re interested in being involved in keeping the college green including helping to organise the new wild garden on the rooftop bar then get in touch!